Kortste Routes goes English, por qué¿
[picapp align=”right” wrap=”true” link=”term=usa+flag&iid=189125″ src=”http://view4.picapp.com/pictures.photo/image/189125/road-with-american-flag/road-with-american-flag.jpg?size=500&imageId=189125″ width=”234″ height=”156″ /]Well, rather simple: I started this blog about one year ago and it is a nice way to end the experiment. I used to be good at English (…) and communicating in English does give a blog a greater reach. And it is about the same effort anyhow.
As starting things has become much easier (e.g. starting a blog), keeping up seems to be much more difficult (doesn’t that sound like your regular enterprise challenge?). But blogged I have, for years, more on a personal level. With this experiment I have been able to combine a few skills (writing, technology, GIS), interests (openness, open innovation) and goals (finish my master, explore a new medium).
I have enjoyed putting my thoughts on paper a blog and will likely continue with that. But what is next I am not sure about yet. We’ll see after the summer break!
*Why English? My Spanish is not that good anymore…need help!