MapMyConnections – now in public beta!
Again thanks for all feedback. We have been able to step up to the plate and produce a public beta version. Hope you like it!
There are still a few known problems. They are mostly related to the geocoding, which appear to be difficult in the US and Russia. We are looking into this.
Feedback on our application has come from all over the world, but not that much from Asia and Africa. As you might be able to see, my connections don’t reach that far (yet…).
A few responses worth mentioning:
– Best quote, when we needed it most: “Keep innovating” (Jason)
– Best input: “check out the flairs” (Sandro)
– Best map, so far: we really like the one from New Sealand by David.
Start up the application or get some more info at this page.
Now we are ready for even more feedback!
BTW: my presentation about this app is coming Wednesday September 22nd at the I will also use it for a presentation at my alma mater (college) on November 5th, “Geo-information for the next generation”.
I just tried it out. Nice work!
thanks (I’ll pass that on to my son. the app is also a holiday project, which got kind of out of control).
Is het geocoderen in de VS echt zo’n probleem? Centroide van de staat moet toch wel lukken? Oregon wordt in Ohio geplaatst en dat scheelt toch aardig wat.
En voortbordurend daarop, is het een idee om het zwaartepunt van de bevolking van een gebied te gebruiken als standaardlokatie in plaats van het geografische middelpunt. Bij gebieden waar veel van de bevolking in een klein deel woont (Ontario, Quebec) geeft dat betere resultaten.
Verder ziet het er erg leuk uit. Complimenten!
bedankt! mbt geocoderen: het ‘probleem’ zit in de mismatch tussen de output van Linkedin (bv Philidelphia) en de input van de geocoder (die wil Philidelphia PA hebben). Nu gaat Philidelpha naar de plaats in Israel… Het zou de app helpen als LinkedIn een andere output levert.
We hebben nog niet een goed idee over de volgende fase, zwaartepunt houden we even vast.
Works well but seems unable to place one of my LinkedIn connections – is there an email address I can send feedback with screenshots to?
– Graeme
your response is very welcome at mapmyconnections at
This is fantastic ! As a LinkedIn group owner with more than 600 pe0ple all over the world, you’d really enable a lot of fruitful meetings, if you were to enable the same utility for groups (Does the LinkedIn API allows for that ?) Groups on LinkedIn are currently not optimal and it really is very difficult for people of the same group to network with each other even though they are in the same town. FYI, the group is here:
sorry, the LinkedIn API does not allow us to do this.
When we get feedback, we’ll let you know.