Open innovation defined – partytime!
A seemingly simple remark regarding the topic of my thesis by the peer group: could you please define what you mean with these two words ‘open innovation’? I found a nice summery of definitions in an OECD report , pag 19. I prefer to stick to the original definition by Chesbrough (2003), but I appreciate the pre-sentence he added in 2006 in Open Innovation, Researching a new paradigm: “Open Innovation is the use of purposive inflows and outflows of knowledge to accelerate internal innovation, and expand the market for external use of innovation, respectively”.
The ‘on purpose’ means to me that their must be a plan in place to make use of open innovation (inbound and outbound). Also, their is a clear message to go beyond technology. I have collected a few relevant papers, started on a mindmap (version 0.1) and will progress with the book this week. BTW: Although I am usually in for a party, I am sorry I missed the Open Innovation Festival. , Not sure how the subjects discussed fits into Chesbrough’s definition…