Tweetfest van het GIN Congres
Ik twijfel over de duurzaamheid van Twitter, daarom bewaar ik mijn tweetfeed nog eens hier. WordPress beschikt wel over een goede backup (in standaard XML), zodat ik de files ook nog zelf kan bewaren. Geen idee hoe dat met Twitter zit, het ook kan ook zomaar ophouden. Fest: het was me wel een feest tijdens het GIN Congres, kom ik zeker nog op terug!
Wednesday December 2nd
Will tweet (..) during GIN Congres using #geonl, 2883 pre-registrations! program #li
on my train commute, prepping my intro#geonl
Just practised in an still empty conference room. it will come to me… #geonl
Not that many people yet at the exhibition, where is the crowd? #geonl
About to start, room has space for 400. hope it fills up #geonl
Done! (with my intro) trust it went well. Now Peter , chair of the day, discusses how common Geo has become, part of daily life #geonl
Peter: 30 professionals will present, team of 15 to support the event. wishing you two fantastic days! hands over to Sybilla Dekker #geonl
Dekker starts with a personal story about Boston and Greenland, for each place there is a specific Geo need. #geonl
The relationship man – geo-informatie has changed a lot recently. growth sector was 17% in 2008. designing land use is critical. #geonl
Discusses challenges in cooperation; recent years were vacation from history for government sectors. names key examples for progress #geonl
2 main things: Information is for all accessible; just data is not enough, it needs to be enriched. presents international position #geonl
Dekker ends: knowing where you are really helps us. public and private sector needs to work together. show how cool #GIS is #geonl
Q: how can we better help geography teachers? A: I don’t have a budget for you (anymore), but I do see progress. smartboards help. #geonl
Note: Dekker credited GIN for the #GSDI congress last summer, this was all done by Geovum and RGI. GIN was hardly involved #geonl
Now Nijpels; discusses contribution of Geo for the economy. geo sector is one of the most innovative. knowledge intensity is high #geonl
Barriers: society needs to understand geo; relation market – government needs to strenghten ; geodata should be like electricity #geonl
Mentions Free our data campaign and the OS response; Layar and augmented reality; Streetview; surfacetables; new mobile data capt #geonl
Where you are will not be the main question in the near future! GBN will start a GeoLab, based on open #innovation. #geonl
Ends now. new sessions need to start. now coffee break. #geonl
Signing up new members at the GIN booth #geonl
Just met Wim Eimers, hon. member aand one of the founding fathers of GIN. having no email then saved him a lot of time #geonl
Kadaster is happy with the conference (Kees). now general assembly #geonl
Tweetbreak ; gen assembly #geonl
New board member is Marien de Bakker, U of Groningen. now time for the Geo-Info Xchange #geonl
Walking the hallways, it takes 10 steps to meet up with new and ‘old’ friends. one last presentation at 4:30 #geonl
Netherlands Space Office presents itself. brings satellites iin the news. google rekeningrijden . but there is a lot more then GPS #geonl
Number of earth observation satellites will double in the next five years. number of apps to increase. introduces GMES and sentinels #geonl
Europe will provide services , calls for Dutch pro-action. NSO would provide bridge functions. see #geonl
Reception is over. now the Geomeeting. #geonl
On my way home. no party this year, maybe next year. really appreciate all the work done by GIN’s active members #geonl
Thursday December 3rd
Day 2 of a conference, somehow always feels more comforting. #geonl
About to start again. secretay-general of VROM is first speaker. #geonl
Introduction by Peter, reviewing the busy day yesterday. today its about geomarketing, education, cooperation. introduces Borgers #geonl
Saskia Borgers on ‘harvesting together, baking together’ (I like that!) reflects on woman in Geo and the cover of ViMatrix #geonl
Max return on our investment? only by involment by all; harvest? check out GIDEON, base registrations, #INSPIRE. well on track #geonl
to harvest: use out of traditional sectors, value creation; calls for all contrib to nat. georegister by all, bus. and gov. alike#geonl
Invites all business to create value together, let’s make a great geo-sandwich. reflects and supports new mission of our society #geonl
Ends with an open invitation to join forces! Q: more directives coming to the municpalities? A: will closer coordinate directives #geonl
Q: does VROM feel a responsibility for a mindset / competence change of people working Geo? A: yes we do. next is Elize #geonl
Elize introduces the foundation for Geo promotion and the GoGeo campaign. a challenge to find the geo professional #geonl
Great. my picture on the big screen. signing the agreement in may 2008. Kadaster really got this foundation going. #geonl
Explains the Dutch geo educational system and its challenges. only 10% of future students know geo-information studies. solutions? #geonl
Promotie, renew educational system, coop in the golden triangle. let former students do the talking #geonl
Results since september: 699 played the geo game, more visitors geo bachelor day. new education: more (4) bachelor degrees in Geo #geonl
Ends with : help us to bring the message to the schools. still need €1M to support the program. now a break! #geonl
Back at the booth, it’s way too crowded. signing up new members! taking five with coffee #geonl
I deny all allegations of walking around here like Sinterklaas. waiting for Ed to get that really great traditional Dutch lunch #geonl
All set with Ed’ presentation, talking to Mark from Cebra. still have a voice…btw yesterday 1213 participants at the congres #geonl
Introduced Ed Parson from #Google with an English test for the audience. where is geo going? explains where geography comes in #geonl
Introduced Ed Parson from #Google with an English test for the audience. where is geo going? explains where geography comes in #geonl
Makes a comparison to Darwin and how geography helped to get new insights. universal access to maps in half a seond. #geonl
Above all #StreetView brings you a sense a place eg Pompei. mentions the context issue aka the Paris Hilton search. #geonl
where next? reveals Google grand plan (…) not really. Google does evolutionary development (Darwin like) explains the launch of #geonl
New cartographic style. But what are the new species? smart phone applications using location. shows Google Latitude #geonl
Ed explain context search: location, environment, time, etc. mentions citizen cartographers and #openstreetmap, building maker #geonl
Concluding: geospatial technology impacts on the life of everybody. ends with the story of the stolen Iphone (..) #geonl
Last presentation for the diehearts by Marc about Open GIS (from an open source perspective). mentions innovationfactors #geonl
Is not happy with the geo-ict sector; too much inward looking. how to progress? lots of society challenges. calls4 open cooperation #geonl
Sees OpenGIS as a verb; to do : open geo standards are prime. barter! (not sure what the tax office would think about that) #geonl
Calls this open #innovation. I completely disagree. also: how can you name rebuilding what already exists technical innovation #geonl
Marc ends with a good Q&A. Last 50 in the room, last words for Peter. End of conference! #geonl
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